vietnam timeline

  • World War 2

    Vietnam was part of French indochine. Japanese troops occupied part of french indochina.
  • Munich Pact

    Was to appease Hitler but let to WW11
  • foreign rule

    Vietnam resisted foreign rule. Ho Chi Mihn stirred up nationalist feelings by drawing on that history.
  • independece

    Japan surrendered to the allies, Vietnam declared its independence
  • Warships

    French warships opened fire on the port city
  • Attacks

    Attacks were launched on Viet Mihn by the french. Then the French warships opened fire on port city of Haiphong. Many vietnamese died from the open fire.
  • Containing communist

    Truman was more worried about containing communist more then the nationalist movement. Many U.S soldiers died from trying to stop commism from spreading everywhere.
  • War began

    Viet Minh launched a suprise attack on a french military base
  • Geneva Accords

    French and Viet Minh signed this.
  • Countries Split

    North Korea became communist as south Korea became democratic this caused them to split up.
  • communism

    Eisenhower warned that if vietnam fell to communism, the rest of the southwest would to.
  • Battle of Dien Phu ended

    Viet Mihn overan the french war which ened the battle
  • Forming a group

    viet Mihn formed a group called the National Liberation front.
  • Kennedy

    During the rebellion Viet Cong threatened the South Vietnamese army. Many officers were selling weapons to the Viet Cong. When Kennedy became president this all stopped.
  • Buddist Rally

    Buddhist opposed Diems policies, 9 demostrators were killed.
  • Campaign

    Barry though that the U.S should be apart of the war.
  • Bombing

    Barry told the military to start planning for the bombing of North Korea.
  • Soldiers

    There were 184,000 but that doubled later on.
  • Air base

    Viet Cong attacked a U.S air base in the South
  • U.S Marines

    They came to a beach in South Vietnam