Abroad: Ho Chi Minh claims independence
Ho Chi Minh claimed independence when he marched to the capital and claimed vietnam to be an independent country -
At Home: the U.S starts to support diem
the U.S helps Diems regime because Diem supported democracy, with this support they hoped for Diem to defeat North Vietnam -
At Home: Anti War Protests Start
anti war protests are started and started to impact the government, some protests turned violent on this date started some of the more famous protests. -
Abroad:The Tet offensive
the Tet offensive was a charge on south Vietnamese during their celebrations for their new years celebrations resulting in many casualties, killing 40,000 people -
Home: Kennedy is assassinated
John F. Kennedy is assassinated during a parade by Lee Harvey Oswald and Lyndon B. Johnson takes over as the acting president, he is a bit harsher on the war efforts. -
Home: Vietnamization is created
Vietnamization is passed by then president Richard Nixon in hopes for south Vietnamese to train its own soldiers instead of relying on the U.S -
Home: Kent state protests
Cops fired into a crowd of protesters at Kent State University killing four and injuring many others, this would lead to many other violent protests -
Home: Nixon starts to open China
In efforts to open up China Richard Nixon takes a trip to china in hopes to one day open relations with china -
Home: five men were arrested on account of the Watergate scandall
the Watergate scandal had the president spy on the other candidates during the campaign -
Home: Nixon is elected for his second term
Nixon promised to help out in the south Vietnam war -
Home: Nixon is impeached
Through the Watergate scandal congress decides to impeach Nixon -
Home: Nixon resigns
President Richard Nixon Resigns after being discovered for his participation for the Watergate scandal -
Abroad: south Vietnam becomes communist
North Vietnam Marches to Saigon and defeats any resistance and South Vietnam surrenders, this unifies Vietnam making it a communist nation