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Vietnam Timeline

  • South Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam

    South Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam
    North Vietnam remains Communist. This is how the war will start because each side is fighting to have their government form win.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Vietnam War begins

    Vietnam War begins
    The war was started because of the U.S. trying to stop the spread of Communism and help the South to keep Democracy in Vietnam
  • North Vietnam attacks U.S. destroyers

    North Vietnam attacks U.S. destroyers
    the North attacks 2 U.S. destroyers sitting in international waters.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    This was a campaign started by the U.S. to bomb North Vietnam in an attempt to put military pressure on the North Leaders and give them less of a chance to attack the U.S.
    Operation Rolling Thunder
  • Period: to

    Operation Rolling Thunder

    The U.S. began a campaign to bomb North Vietnam in an attempt to put military pressure on the leaders there and reduce their ability to attack the U.S.
  • U.S. enters the Vietnam War

    U.S. enters the Vietnam War
    The U.S. officially enters and sends their first combat troops over.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The North partners with Viet Cong to attack 100 cities in South Vietnam which was called the Tet Offensive
    Tet Offensive
  • U.S. troop count reaches 540,000

    U.S. troop count reaches 540,000
    By December the amount of troops in Vietnam had reached 540,000.
  • 1st order of U.S. troops to be taken out of Vietnam

    1st order of U.S. troops to be taken out of Vietnam
    President Nixon orders the 1st of many troops to be taken out of Vietnam.
  • Paris Peace Accords Signed

    Paris Peace Accords Signed
    North Vietnam and South Vietnam sign the Paris Peace Accords. This ended direct U.S. military combat and temporarily stopped the fighting between the North and South
    Paris Peace Accords Signed
  • Last bit of U.S. troops are removed

    Last bit of U.S. troops are removed
    The last bit of U.S. troops in Vietnam are taken back to the U.S.
  • North attacks South

    North attacks South
    The North sends a massive attack on the South
  • South Vietnam surrenders

    South Vietnam surrenders
    The South surrenders to the North
  • Vietnam unified

    Vietnam unified
    Vietnam becomes one Communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedicated

    Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedicated
    The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. is dedicated
    Vietnam Veterans Memorial