
Vietnam Timeline

  • OSS and Ho Chi Minh

    OSS and Ho Chi Minh
    The OSS was involved in Ho Chi Minh's rise to political power. Ho Chi Minh had the US 14th Air Force bombers stop doing fly over missions. Any communication between the OSS and Ho Chi Minh was eventually lost.`Their was a common enemy between North Vietnam and the US, it was Japan. We both wanted a free Vietnam and Japan to lose.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman created a doctrine to contain the spread of communism. Because of the Truman doctrine a $10 million package sent planes, jeeps and troops over to vietnam with the intent to aid the French against the North Vietnamese.
  • Domino Theory

    Domino Theory
    Dwight D. Eisenhower gave a speech saying that the fall of French Indochina to communist could lead into the domino effect is Southeast Asia. The US are now constantly thinking about whats going on in Vietnam.
  • The French Lose

    The French Lose
    The French lost the battle and were ultimately humiliated by the Viet Minh in Dien Bien Phu. This leads to the French leaving Indochina. Vietnam now can become the communist country they want. The US got involved because we were allies with the French and we wanted to help them out. We also wanted to contain and stop communism.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords were developed, The accords split Vietnam into two separate countries, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. They were separated at the 17th parallel. The US and South Vietnam did not sign the Geneva Accords because they didn't want the whole country of Vietnam to be communist. South Vietnam did not sign and didn't become communist, North Vietnam signed it because they were communist. This led to US involvement because we wanted to stop the spread of communism.
  • Guerilla Warfare

    Guerilla Warfare
    The first US soldier was killed in South Vietnam. He was attacked by Vietnamese soldiers using Guerilla Warfare. He was killed in US living quarters near Saigon.
  • Soldiers in Vietnam

    Soldiers in Vietnam
    In May of 1961 John F. Kennedy sent helicopters and 400 Green Berets into South Vietnam and ordered secret attacks against the Viet Cong
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    There was an alleged attack on the USS Maddox. President Johnson ordered an airstrike on North Vietnamese air boat bases. Two US airplanes were shot down
  • President Johnson

    President Johnson
    In February of 1965 president Johnson orders a bombing target on North Vietnam in Operation Flaming Dart in retaliation on a Viet Cong riad on a US base in Pleiku. In July of 1965 President Johnson calls for 50,000 more ground troops and increased the draft to 35,000 each month.
  • US Steal Mate

    US Steal Mate
    We measured the war in body count. The first major battle did not go well for the US, 300 American were killed and hundreds more injured. The battle was at Ia Drang Valley and both sides declared victory. Being a war that depended on body count the US sent in thousands of soldiers to make up for the losses that we will have.