War powers Act
This is an emergency law that wanted to increase the Federal power. It is pretty much a veto over the president. Which can command the military of the US and limit the president's power. -
Geneva Conference
The purpose was to try to unite the Vietnam with others and to have peace once again in Indochina. It was a conference event that happened in Geneva. -
Nixon put in effect vietnamization. The purpose of this was to gradually withdraw the troops from Vietnam. By doing so they tried to build up the military strength of the South Vietnamese troops. -
Johnson reports to Kennedy
When Johnson gets back to the states from asia. He tells Kennedy that they must act in order to help Southeast Asia. -
US prdered to shoot first
When the South Vietnamese troops shot down two of our helicopters, The US forces were told to shoot first. -
Fire on buddhist temples
The South Vietnamese government did not like the multi-colored flag that the buddhists had. After the attack the Buddhist set up a protest against the government. -
Tonkin Resolution
President Johnson created the Tonkin Resolution to act as the constitutional authorization principal for the increase of the US involvement in the war. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
A bombing offensive that President Johnson put in affect. They wanted to destroy North Vietnam from helping the guerillas in the South. -
Campus sit-in
People that were against the war decided to have sit ins. Which started at the University of Michigan. Some other sit-ins happened in other schools such as Columbia University. -
US suspends air raids
While hoping for a bit of peace while the US suspend the air raids that were happening upon North Vietnam we also launch a diplomatic offensive. -
Operation Masher
Basically the goal for Operation Masher was to cause as many casualties as they could for domination. 2,389 casualties on the Viet Cong side. -
Bloody Battle Near Bak To
285 people were killed and 985 were wounded at the Battle Near Bak To. It was one of the bloodiest battles in Central Highlands. -
Tet Offensive
Military campaign during the war it was a varity of surprise attacks. They were put against the centers. This took place when no attacks were supposed to go on. -
Kent State
A massacre occurred at the university. The Ohio National guard shot for 13 seconds and killed 4 students. 9 were wounded and many suffered from permanent paralysis. -
26th amendment
They wanted to make sure that no one 18 or older would be denied the chance to vote. -
Vietnam withdrawls
NVA troops manage to seize control of the northern part of the city, due partly to their force with tanks. But the 4,000 South Vietnamese men defending the city, reinforced by elite airborne units, hold their positions and launch furious counterattacks. American B-52 bombers also help with the defense. A month later, Vietcong forces withdraw. -
US withdrawl of troops
The men who were involved with protecting the installtions had to stay but the others were aloud to finally leave South Vietnam. Many lives were at risk, many were taken, and several were wounded. This is one of the bloodiest wars in American history.