
Vietnam Timeline

  • Kennedy Meets Diem

    Kennedy Meets Diem
    South Vietnam's President Diem and Kennedy meet to discuss issues in vietnam
  • Agent Orange

    Agent Orange
    The U.S. introduces "Agent Orange" a new and potentially effective weapon to be used against the Viet Cong
  • Buddhist Protest

    Buddhist Protest
    A Buddhist monk sets himself on fire in protest against Diem's government policies to prove that they would rather die then be goverened by him.
  • Diem Overthrown

    Diem Overthrown
    Diem, president of South Vietnam is overthrown in a military coup, and is killed during it.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    The United States Senate approves the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, authorizing the President to "take all necessary measures" to repel attacks against US forces and to "prevent further aggression" in the area.
  • ARVN Defeated at Binh Gia

    ARVN Defeated at Binh Gia
    A six day battle around the village of Binh Gia ends with a clear ARVN defeat. Two hundred of their best troops are killed, and three hundred are wounded. Five Americans are killed and three are declared missing.
  • Johnson Will Not Run

    Johnson Will Not Run
    President Johnson announces a unilateral halt to the bombing. At the end of his speech, Johnson stuns the nation by announcing that he will not run for a second full term as president.
  • Withdrawal

    Nixon begins withdrawing troops from Vietnam. By the end of the year, U.S. troops are down to 479,000. In 1969, 9,414 Americans are killed in Vietnam.