Vietnam Timeline

  • Vietnam declares independence

     Vietnam declares independence
    Vietnam declares independence from France.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    Vietnam was declared independent from France and ended the IndoChina war. The U.S. split Vietnam into North and South.
  • Eisenhower's re-election

    Eisenhower's re-election
  • JFK Elected President

    JFK Elected President
  • National Liberation Front organized in South Vietnam

    National Liberation Front organized in South Vietnam
  • Period: to


    A policy of the Richard M. Nixon administration during the Vietnam War, as a result of the Viet Cong's Tet Offensive, to train South Vietnam's forces and assign to them an increasing combat role, at the same time steadily reducing the number of U.S. combat troops.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    JFK is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
  • 100,000 demonstrates against the war in New York City

    100,000 demonstrates against the war in New York City
    100,000 people protest the war in Times Square,
  • Gulf of Tonkin Agreement

    Gulf of Tonkin Agreement
    gave U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of "conventional'' military force in Southeast Asia.
  • President Johnson re-elected

    President Johnson re-elected
  • First U.S. Ground Troops to Vietnam

    First U.S. Ground Troops to Vietnam
  • Senate Hearings on War

    Senate Hearings on War
  • Massive Demonstrations at the Pentagon

    Massive Demonstrations at the Pentagon
    Thousands protest at the Pentagon to end the war, and strop drafting.
  • Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive

    Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive
    The purpose of the offensive was to utilize the element of suprise and strike military and civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam. The Viet Cong fought South Vietnam and U.S. forces.
  • Nixon elected President

    Nixon elected President
  • Nixon orders invasion on Cambodia

    Nixon orders invasion on Cambodia
    President Nixon orders US and South Vietnamese troops to secretly invade the “Parrot’s Beak” region of Cambodia.
  • Kent State University Shooting

    Kent State University Shooting
    The Ohio National Guard began firing at student protestors. Four students were killed,
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    The War Powers Act of 1973, passed in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, puts limits on the ability of the President to send American troops into combat areas without Congressional approval.
  • Paris Accords

    Paris Accords
    The Pari Accords intended to establish peace in Vietnam and an end to the Vietnam War, ended direct U.S. military involvement, and temporarily stopped the fighting between North and South Vietnam.
  • South Vietnam surrenders to Communists

    South Vietnam surrenders to Communists