Vietnam time line

  • April 26, 1954- Geneva Accord divides Vietnam at 17th parallel

    April 26, 1954- Geneva Accord divides Vietnam at 17th parallel
    Agreement that France would withdraw their troops
  • France leaves Indochina

    France leaves Indochina
    defeated by Germany
  • U.S sends military advisors to to South Vietnam:

    U.S sends military advisors to to South Vietnam:
    Truman sent the MAAG to Vietnam to help assist France in the first Indochina war
  • President Lyndon Johnson takes over

    President Lyndon Johnson takes over
  • Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    joint resolution that the US congress passed in response to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  • U.S. troops arrive in Vietnam (1965)

    U.S. troops arrive in Vietnam (1965)
    reacts to air strike on military base supplies
  • Tet offensive

    Tet offensive
    largest campaign of the Vietnam war
  • President Richard Nixon elected

    President Richard Nixon elected
  • Vietnamization

    he US policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam
  • Nixon invades Cambodia

    Nixon invades Cambodia
    asked for support to send the troops to Cambodia
  • National guard troops kill student protestors at Kent State

    National guard troops kill student protestors at Kent State
    student protested about the Cambodia bombing
  • Paris Peace accords

    Paris Peace accords
    agreement on end the war and restoring peace in Vietnam
  • Last troops leave Vietnam

    Last troops leave Vietnam
  • Saigon falls to the North Vietnamese invasion

    Saigon falls to the North Vietnamese invasion
    fell to North Vietnam forces