Vietnam Proxy War Project

  • The start of the war

    Leader of South Korea named Ngo Dinh Diem was strongly against the communist rule and put any suspected communist in jail. The communist party approved the use of violence to overthrow Diem. The United States continued to stop the spread of communism, now in South Vietnam.
  • Vietcong

    A Communist guerrilla group called the Vietcong grew in the South and when Diem was assassinated in 1963, the Vietcong became even more powerful. The North backed Vietcong, making takeover almost unavoidable
  • U.S marines

    U.S Marines strike first in 1965. They are successful and take down the Vietcong but they quickly rebuild. The U.S had troops in Vietnam and bombed North Vietnam.
  • Tet offensive

    The north armies invade 100 cities across south Vietnam. The United States begins to withdrawal.
  • Hamburger hill

    The U.S and South Vietnam troops fight the North for Ap Bia mountain and after many injures and deaths, they capture the hill. The was one of the last major actions and it was brutal.
  • Central Highlands attack

    The North attacked the Central highlands in 1975. The North Vietnamese defeat south Vietnam force after force and claim victory on the coast in battle.
  • End of war

    The communist win and the war ends when president Nixon of the United States had the U.S soldiers return home.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Vietnam invaded Cambodia and removed Pol Pot because he killed millions of people in cambodia. Pol Pot was the leader of Cambodia and he caused death through starvation, overwork and disease.