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Vietnam (Liza)

  • Roosevelt's Death

    Roosevelt's Death
    FDR's death marks the change of the United States relationship previously with the Soviet Uninon, causing later the high point of the cold war.
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    American Involvement in Vietnam

    Begins with the defeat of Japan and the French returning to their imperialistic powers.
  • French Regain Control over Vietnam

    French Regain Control over Vietnam
    World War 2 ends and the French forces re-enter Vietnam
  • Cold War in Full Swing

    Cold War in Full Swing
    Two years after FDR's death, the Soviet Union and the U.S. have nearly reached the point of breaking their bond.
  • Domino Theory

    Domino Theory
    Eisenhower gives his speach over his idea of the "domino theory". With the fall of French Indochina to communism this could lead to the domino effect on the rest of Southeast Asia. But, with this "domino theory" presented to the U.S. we worried about if we would have the resource of Vietnam. He explained that if one domino fell, so would all the rest, and communism would be everywhere.
  • The 17th Parallel

    The 17th Parallel
    When the U.S. begain aiding the French during their war actions and North and South Vietnam divide, creating the 17th parllel.This began a more direct engagement for the U.S. into the Vietnam war.
  • U.S. and South Vietnam

    U.S. and South Vietnam
    The U.S. military sends aid to South Vietnam to help train the troops for fighting. France used to do this.
  • Green Berets into Vietnam

    Green Berets into Vietnam
    Vice president Johnson puts the first 400 American Green Beret soldiers into South Vietnam to train them against the Viet Cong guerillas.
  • U.S. troops into Vietnam

    U.S. troops into Vietnam
    The direct involvement into the physical war began with president John F. Kennedy in 1963.
  • JFK assasination

    JFK assasination
    John F. Kennedy is assasinated as the 4th president overseeing and coping with Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces swept down several large cities. The assesment of the war is questioned in the U.S. about what is actually happening in Vietnam.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    In Kent, Ohio, involved the shooting of unarmed innocent college students by the Ohio National Guard.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    Eisenhower leaked the Pentagon Papers to the public.
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    South Defeat and Vietnam Communism