Vietnam Events

  • JFK becomes president

    JFK becomes president
    He was the youngest man to become president. He just beat Nixon when he ran. He was president from January 1961 till 1963 when he was assassinated.
  • Vietcong Formed

    Hanoi forms National Liberation Front for South Vietnam. Diem government calls them "Vietcong".
  • Agent Orange

    The US Air Force started using Agent Orange to expose roads and trials the the North used.
  • Johnson becomes President

    Lyndon Johnson is elected in a landslide over Republican Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Johnson's position on Vietnam was leaning towards de-escalation of US involvement.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    North Vietnamese patrol boats attacked US destroyer ships and that allowed Congress to pass a law that made it possible for the president to use American forces over in Vietnam.
  • Operation "Rolling Thunder" Started

    American bombing raids of North Vietnam, the nearly continuous air raids would go on for three years.
  • Ia Drang Valley

    The first battle of the Vietnam war takes place as American forces fight with North Vietnamese units in the Ia Drang Valley. The US Air Cavalry Division employs its new technique of aerial reconnaissance to finally defeat the North.
  • Richard Nixon becomes President

    Nixon earned 301 Electoral votes to win. He wanted to restore "Law and Order" back to the United States.
  • Tet Offensive

    The North Vietnamese had coordinated attacks against South Vietnam targeting US military basses.
  • My Lai Massacre

    Merican soldiers entered the village of My Lai and starting killing innocent people. They ended up killing 301.
  • Kent State Incident

    National Guardsmen open fire on a crowd of student antiwar protesters at Ohio's Kent State University, resulting in the death of four students and wounding of eight others.
  • Nixon Cuts Troop Levels

    He is not moving fast enough to end US involvement in Vietnam, so President Nixon orders troop strength reduced by seventy thousand.
  • B-52s Bomb Hanoi and Haiphong

    In an attempt to force North Vietnam to make concessions in the ongoing peace talks, the Nixon orders heavy bombing of supply dumps in and around Hanoi and Haiphong.
  • Draft Ends

    The Draft Ends, so citizens wont have to go into the war anymore.
  • Saigon Falls to North Vietnam

    South Vietnamese President Duong Van Minh surrenders to the North Vietnam