ho cj]hi minh
Ho Chi Minh facing failing health, is replaced by Le Duan as head of North Vietnam’s communist party. -
green berets
John F. Kennedy sends helicopters and 400 Green Berets to South Vietnam to get secrets from viet cong -
the bombing on the palace
Ngo Dinh Diem survives a bombing on the presidential palace. -
the killng of the brothers
The United States backs a South Vietnam military coup against the unpopular Diem, which ends in the brutal killing of Diem and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu -
USS Maddox
USS Maddox is allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese patrol torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin -
rolling thunder
President Johnson launches a three-year campaign of sustained bombing of targets in North Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Operation Rolling Thunder -
the new president
General Nguen Van Thieu of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam Governmental Military becomes president of South Vietnam. -
numbers of troops increase
U.S. troop numbers in Vietnam rise to 400,000. -
now up to 500,000 troops
U.S. troop numbers stationed in Vietnam increase to 500,000. -
U.S aircraft bombing
U.S. aircraft bomb Haiphong Harbor and North Vietnamese airfields. -
Battles at Hue and Saigon
Battles at Hue and Saigon end with American and ARVN victory as Viet Cong guerillas are cleared from the cities. -
highest number of deaths
This week records the highest number of U.S. soldier deaths during the war, with 543 American deaths. -
bombing in Vietnam
President Johnson halts bombing in Vietnam north of the 20th parallel. Facing backlash about the war, Johnson announces he will not run for reelection. -
Richard m Nixon
Republican Richard M. Nixon wins the U.S. presidential elections on the campaign promises to restore “law and order” and to end the draft. -
Ho Chi Minh dies
Ho Chi Minh dies of a heart attack in Hanoi