Battle of Dien Bein Phu
The Ho Chin Mihn forces defeat French ending the battle of 7 1/2 year Indochina battle -
Geneva Accords
This established the separation between North and South Vietnam with the 17th parallel as the dividing line. -
Diem Coup assasination
President of South Vietnam Diem and his brother were captured and murdered by soldiers -
Bombing Retaliation
USS Madoxx reports fire on vessels. LBJ ordered a retaliation strike, bombing 2 North Vietnamese naval bases for the first time -
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Congress passes to give Johnson allowance to take any measures necessary for maintenance of international peace and security. -
Tet Offensive
Suprise attacks made by the Vietcong, North Vietnamese forces, on cities, villages, etc. throughout South Vietnam -
Mi Lai Massacre
US troops killed innocent civilians in the village of Mi Lai, women, children and old men -
Kent State University
Gaurdsmen and police opened fire of students protesting the VIetnam War, wounding 9 and killing 4. -
US leaves Vietnam
The last US military units left Vietnam. Over 58,000 troops were killed, civilians death total was 2,000,000 -
Fall of Saigon
Capitol of South Vietnam is seized by communist forces and the government of South Vietnam surrenders