China Becomes Communist
China became communist making U.S. fear of a Domino Theory. Political, Abroad. -
Korean War Begins
North Korea and South Korea started a war because of North Korea wanting to convert south to communist rule. Political, Abroad. -
Vietnam Free
The Vietnam forced French to surrender, causing the Vietnamese to be free. Political, Abroad. -
First Indochina War
Defeat was a major blow to french causing them to lose Vietnam. Political, Abroad. -
Diem Killed
Ngo Dinh Diem was assassinated making it easier to covert south Vietnam to communism. Political, Abroad. -
Kennedy Killed
JFK had been assassinated, this made vietnam be less cautious of America attacking.
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Gulf of Tonkin Attack
North Vietnam torpedo boats attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin, making a whole for U.S. to declare war on Vietnam. Political, Abroad. -
University of Michigan Anti war Protest
A group of professors organize a protest with roughly 2,500 participants, this made the citizens in the U.S. worry about war progressing and getting worse. Social, Home -
Nguyen Cao Ky Seized Power
Nguyen Cao Ky crushed anti-government leaders and did not agree with Peace accords. Political, Abroad. -
Nixon New President
Richard Nixon would continue Kennedy's duty's by fighting Vietnam, This made Vietnam become frightend again when he became president.
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Vietnamization Policy
Americans Trained South Vietnam's forces and assigned them to an ever increasing combat role. Political, Home -
Nixon Reelected
Richard Nixon was reelected for his second term. Political, Home -
Paris Peace Accords
This was an agreement to establish peace in Vietnam. Political, Abroad. -
America Out of War
American troops were finally forced to leave Vietnam. Political, Home -
Watergate Affair
Nixon hired spiies on opponent democrats in the Watergate hotel. Political, Home -
War Powers Act
The act wanted to restrain the President's ability to commit U.S. forces overseas by requiring the executive branch to consult with and report to Congress before involving U.S. forces in foreign hostilities.. Political, Home -
North Vietnam Attacks South Vietnam
North Vietnam fights South, trying to convert them to communist. Political, Abroad. -
Nixon Resignes
Nixon was soon to be impeached because of the Watergate affair.
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North Vietnam Entered Saigon
North Vietnam took control of Saigon setting the south under communist rule, making U.S. fear even more. Political, Abroad. -
Carter Won Election
Jimmy Carter won presidency after Richard Nixon. Political, Home