Vietnam war protest 1

Vietnam Era

By coleda
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    This was an American Emergency law signed by FDr. It increased federal power during WW2.
  • Advisors sent to Vietnam

    Advisors sent to Vietnam
    Ngo Dinh Diem asked our President to send over additional troops.
  • Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem

    Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem
    Ngo Dinh Diem, the leader of South Vietnam. was killed by a group of rebel forces.
  • Operating Rolling Thunder

    Operating Rolling Thunder
    For about a year, LBJ and his advisers were deciding on whether or not to bomb North Vietnam. In '65, they finally decided and announced their decision.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    This was a large military campaign against the US, South Vietnam, and their allies.
  • My Lair Massacre

    My Lair Massacre
    This massacre was part of the Vietnam war. It killed between 307 and 504 South Vietnam citizens.
  • Johnson announces US involvement in War

    Johnson announces US involvement in War
    The US citizens, at first, thought the involvement was a good idea. However, that thought plummeted quickly and next to no one agreed.
  • Johnson announces he will not run for President

    Johnson announces he will not run for President
    Johnson gave his own televised speech that he was not running for president again, America was shocked and excited, but they hated his guts.
  • MLK assassination

    MLK assassination
    MLK was out on his balcony in Tennesse when a surprise visitor named James Earl Ray shot him and fled.
  • RFK assassination

    RFK assassination
    After giving a speech, RFK watched into the hotel kitchen only to be shot by Sirhan Sirhan.
  • Democratic Convention

    Democratic Convention
    This convention was held at the International Amphitheatre, located in Chicago. It lasted three days.
  • Nixon Wins Presidency

    Nixon Wins Presidency
    Nixon beat Humphrey just barely. It was a very close margin.
  • Draft Begins

    Draft Begins
    The selective service system put papers with specific birthdays on them, one for each day of the year. They reached a hand in and pulled out a date. Whoever was born at that date was then drafted for war,
  • Vietnamization

    President Nixon withdrew 150,000 troops in South Vietnam in order to end US involvement in the vietnam war.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    The invasion of Cambodia was called the Combodian Campaign and included many military operations.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    Students at the Kent State college were demonstrating (protesting). One of the Ohio National guards was spooked and shot out into the crowd. Four died and nine university students wounded.
  • Repeal of Tonkin Gulf

    Repeal of Tonkin Gulf
    81 to 10 voted to repeal the Tonkin Gulf resolution. Afterwards, the Tonkin Gulf incident occured, making President Johnson be allowed to do whatever he seemed right.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    The Pentagon papers were excerpts in the New York Times that explained the secret war the government had in store for the US.
  • Watergate

    This was a major political scandal in result of the Domecratic National Committee headquarters break-in. Nixon tried to cover up the break-in, leaving conspiracies to rumor about and cause an investigation by congress.
  • US cease fire in Vietnam

    US cease fire in Vietnam
    These fires almost created an endless chain of retaliations. Both sides of South Vietnam were surrounded by it, but the South Vietnamese were receiving help.
  • Nixon Resignation

    Nixon Resignation
    The watergate scandal caused people to be uneasy of Nixon. Before he could be impeached, Nixon decide to resign from his position as president.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    This fall captured Saigon and South Vietnam. It ended the Vietnam War.
  • Vietnam Memorial built

    Vietnam Memorial built
    This memorial is 3-acres long and filled with all the soldiers who died or fought during the vietnam war.