
  • In the 1880s Vietnam was part of the french indochina

    Vietnam was part of French indochina, a French colony in southeast Asia that also included Cambodia and Laos
  • Japan formally surrendered to the allies

    On September 2, 1945, the same day that japan formally surrendered to the allies, Vietnam declared it's independence
  • The French launches attacks on Viet Minh

    In November 1946, French warships opened fire on the port city of Haiphong, killing some 6,000 Vietnamese civilians
  • Thousands of U.S. Soldiers Die

    Thousands of U.S. soldiers had already died in korea trying to halt the spread of communism
  • The Aid Rose From 10 Million

    The aid rose from 10 million dollars to 100 million by 1951 by 1954 the us was paying 80 percent of the war in indochina
  • Viet Minh overran the French

    Viet Minh finally overran the French base, ending the battle of Dien Bien Phu and shattering the French morale
  • The U.S. Puts a Anticommunist leader

    The U.S. uses there influence to put a anticommunist leader in South Korea
  • Viet Minh Formes a Group

    The Viet Minh formed a group called the national liberation front and invited all opponents of Diem to join