Vietnam (Claire)

  • Ho Chi Min wants independence

    Ho Chi Min wants independence
    Ho chi min of the Viet minh, communist wanted independence. Turned to us and we said no so he turned to communism.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    Japense was defeted in WWII which ended their rule of Veitnam .French returned to rule over veitnam
  • French withdrew and Vietnam split

    French withdrew and Vietnam split
    French was defeated and withdrew from Vietnam. At the Genvea Confrence there was a vote on who they wanted to rule the whole vietnam which didnt work out that well. At that time vietnam split into S and N and fought eachother for the next 7 years.
  • Agent Orange

    Agent Orange
    US is beigining to use agent orange, which was called that becuase it was defoliant a that came in metal orange containers. Agent Orange made it so that we could see in the jungle and killed plants. The side effects, such as cancer, birth defects in american and veitnamese soldiers babys and messing up the soil are still impacting people today.
  • John F Kennedy sends Green Berets to South Vietnam

    John F Kennedy sends Green Berets to South Vietnam
    John F Kennedy sent 16,000 Green Berets to South Vietnam to become friends with them
  • Johnson sends in first regular troops to Vietnam

    Johnson sends in first regular troops to Vietnam
    Johnson sent regular troops into war to aid the South Vietanese, they performed passification.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    An all out offensive by North Vietnamese. Until this point, people of America thought we were winning the war but this swayed public opinion to anti war. Was a series of hits to command and control centers on more than 100 cities.
  • Vietnamization

    Vienamization was a policy by Nixon during Vietnam as a result of the tet offensive. We assigned South Vietnamese soldjers to combat, reducing the number of US troops in Vietnam.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    Students of Kent State protest the American invaion of Cambodia. Members of the Ohio National Guard shot unarmed students at the protest. they killed 4 students and injured 9 in 13 seconds.
  • Daniel Ellsberg leaks Pentagon Papers

    Daniel Ellsberg leaks Pentagon Papers
    The pentagon papers said that they didnt think that we were winning the war even though thats what they had been telling people. This led to people mistrusting the government even more.
  • the US leaves Vietnam

    the US leaves Vietnam
    The peace accords on "Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam" were signed, ending US involvemnt in the war:)
  • The Release of POWS

    The Release of POWS
    The release of U.S. POWs begins in Hanoi as part of the Paris peace settlement. Part of it was called Operation Homecoming, the first 20 POWs arrived to a hero's welcome at Travis Air Force Base in California on February 14. Operation Homecoming was completed on March 29, 1973, when the last of 591 U.S. prisoners were released and returned to the United States.:)
  • North defeats South and ends the war

    North defeats South and ends the war
    in the morning of 30 April, the last U.S. Marines evacuated the embassy by helicopter as all of the others had already left a couple months earlier.