
  • Vietnam is freed from French Indochina

    Vietnam is freed from French Indochina
    Vietnam was part of French Indochina from 1880 to 1945
  • Japan surrendered to the allies

    Japan surrendered to the allies
    Japan formally surrenders to the allie
  • Vietnam declares its independence

    Vietnam declares its independence
    The same day japan formally surrenders, Vietnam declares its independence.
  • US paying 80% of the war in Indochina

    US paying 80% of the war in Indochina
    Truman determined to block any further communism, calls for an increase in military to aid French Indochina.
  • Viet Minh launched surprise attack on a large French military base

    Viet Minh launched surprise attack on a large French military base
    Decisive battle of war begins when Viet Minh launched a surprise attack on a large French military base, located in the mountains of northern Vietnam.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    French and Viet Minh signed the Geneva Accords. Under these accords the fighting stopped, and Vietnam was temporarily split under the 17th Parallel.
  • Viet Minh overrun French Base

    Viet Minh overrun French Base
    Viet Minh finally overran the French base, shattering French morale.
  • Viet Cong

    Viet Cong
    Viet Minh formed a group called National Liberation Front and invited all opponents of Diem to join. Diem referred to the group as Viet Cong, slang for "Vietnamese communist",
  • Buddhist Rally

    Buddhist Rally
    Buddhist rally opposing Diem's policies, South Vietnamese police killed nine demonstrators.
  • Johnson approves

    Johnson approved covert attacks on radar stations along North Vietnam's coast.
  • LBJ responds

    LBJ responds
    After the Viet Cong attacked a U.S. air base in the south. LBJ responds by ordering the hbombing of barracks and military staging areas north of the 17th parallel.
  • Johnson Americanizes the war

    Johnson Americanizes the war
    3,500 U.S. marines waded ashore at a beach near Da Nang, South Vietnam. This is the first time U.S. combat troops had set foot in Vietnam.