Vietnam At Home vs. Abroad

  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    -Japanese surrendered and Ho Chi Minh communists organized to shut down French colonial rule
  • China falls under communist rule

    China falls under communist rule
    -Created fear of Domino theory
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    -Defeat was a major blow to the French and the French control over Vietnam was ended
  • Diem ordered a crackdown against his opponents

    Diem ordered a crackdown against his opponents
    -At Home
    -John F. Kennedy withdrew support from Diem
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    -North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked American destroyers in Gulf of Tonkin
  • Attack on Pleiku

    Attack on Pleiku
    -Vietong attacked an American base at Pleiku in South Vietnam Killed eight Americans
  • Nguyen Cao Ky

    Nguyen Cao Ky
    -Seized power and crushed anti-arguments
  • Anti-War Protests

    Anti-War Protests
    -At home
    -Against sending boys over to Vietnam for the war
  • Vietnam War fled inflation

    Vietnam War fled inflation
    -At Home
    -High unemployment and temporary freeze on rent, wages, and prices
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    -Celebrations as cover to attack major cities
  • Richard Nixon in office

    Richard Nixon in office
    -At Home
    -“Silent Majority” and “Law and Order
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
    -At Home
    -Restricted number and type of nuclear warheads and missiles each nation could build
  • Improve relations with China

    Improve relations with China
    -At Home
    -Nixon announced he would visit mainland China
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    -At home
    -Richard Nixon hired people to spy on the Democrats
  • Kissinger

    -At home
    -Hinted an agreement was close in the future
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    -Wanted to establish peace in Vietnam
  • Jimmy Carter Wins Election

    Jimmy Carter Wins Election
    -At home
    -After Nixon resigned President Carter took office.
  • War Powers Act Was Passed

    War Powers Act Was Passed
    -At home
    -Allow United States Army to armed conflict without consent from the Congress
  • Series of Strikes

    Series of Strikes
    -North Vietnam launched a series of strikes against the Soviet Union
  • Ancient Capital of Hue

    Ancient Capital of Hue
    -North Vietnam captured the Ancient Capital of Hue