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Vietnam and the Cold War - Hartley

  • President Eisenhower's speech (H)

    President Eisenhower speaks on his belief of the "domino theory" saying that if one country falls to communism, eventually every other country will succumb to communism. This gives the American citizens the 'moral' obligation to take part in this fight and justify Eisenhower's future actions. Generally the start of the Vietnam War.
  • Le Duan replaces Ho Chi Minh (M/P)

    With many health problems arising, Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the northern Communist party steps down. Le Duan, the former General Secretary of the Central Committee, takes his place.
  • NFL is Formed (M/P)

    The National Liberation Front, the political party supporting the antigovernment insurgency is formed in South Vietnam, who support the ideals of Northern Vietnam. These people will be known as the "viet cong" by the American's, short for "Vietnamese communists"
  • Operation Ranch Hand (M/P)

    Kennedy sends aircraft over South Vietnam carrying herbicides such as Agent Orange over rural areas. This was to tank the food supplies of the opposing guerrilla forces and also the vegetation that the South Vietnamese would use for shelter.
  • Buddhist Crisis (M/P)

    Buddhist protesters gather in Hue, Vietnam, a central city. Southern Vietnam soldiers opened fire, killing the protesters. Eight people were killed, some of which were children.
  • Kennedy's Assignation (H)

    JFK is shot in Dallas, Texas. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes the new president.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder and the First troops in Vietnam (H)

    President Johnson launches Operation Rolling Thunder, a campaign that lasts about 3 years which is the bombing of certain targets in North Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Later this month U.S. Marines reach the beaches of Vietnam, which is located near Da Sang, South Vietnam. These are the first troops to enter the war.
  • Increase in Draft (H)

    President Johnson calls for more troops to be sent to Vietnam. Specifically, 50 thousand group troops. This boost increased the Draft to 35 thousand soldiers per month.
  • Vietnam War Protests in the US (H)

    Prominently in Washington, D.C., New York City and San Francisco, large protests occur against the involvement in the Vietnam War. Martin Luther King Jr. was present during these marches, showing his distaste with the African American casualties compared to overall casualties. A large culture was created because of this movement, and resulted in the poor mistreatment of Vietnam veterans when they returned from the War.
  • Unites States Massacre at Mai Lai (M/P)

    More than 500 civilians were murdered by American troops in Mai Lai. This was during a "search and destroy" operation that was made for destroying enemy territories. This furthered the tension between both sides and further fueled protesters in the states.
  • "Draft Dodgers" (M/P)

    With the institution of the first draft lottery, more and more men fled into Canada, unwilling to join the military. This influenced the abolition of the draft and further pushed protesters forwards.
  • Secret peace Negotiations (M/P)

    U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger begins secret peace negotiations with Hanoi politburo member Le Duc Tho in Paris.
  • Nixon Resigns (H)

    After seeing the clear possibility of impeachment, President Nixon resigns his position once the Watergate scandal is out to the public. This is incredibly significant because it allows Gerald R. Ford to become the next president and stop all involvement with the war.
  • Vietnam becomes one | End of the Vietnam War (M/P)

    The North and South finally unify, now known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam under communist rule. This marks the end of the war. Several million casualties occurred, including 2 million civilians on both sides of the war, 1.1 million Vietcong fighters, and 58 thousand Americans.