
  • Viet Minh

    From the 1800's until WWII, Vietnam was part of French Indonesia. In the year 1941, a Vietnamese communist named Ho Chi Minh began to stir up nationalist feelings.
  • Vietnam's Independence

    On the same day that Japan surrenders to the Allies,(Sep. 2, 1945) Ho Chi Minh gives a speech declaring the Independence of Vietnam.
  • Conflicts of the Indochina War

    France didn't want to recognize Vietnam's independence and was determined to get rid of the Viet Minh. November 1946, some French warships attacked the city of Haiphong killing 6,000 civilians.
  • Indochina War

    The battle that decided it all happened when the Viet Minh made a surprise attack on the Military base of Dien Bien Phu, in northern Vietnam.
  • Geneva Peace Conference

    After negotiations and China & the Soviet Union pressuring them, Vietnam signed the Geneva Accords splitting Vietnam in two for a while. Viet Minh moved to the north, while the French moved south.
  • Domino Theory

    April 7, President Eisenhower delivered a message saying that if Vietnam fell under communism, the remaining countries in Southeast Asia will too That even Japan might fall under communism, this later serve as a motive to stop Vietnam.