• Viet Minh

    Viet Minh
    Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese Communist stirred feeling of nationalists founding a group called Viet Minh
  • Vietnam declares Independence

    Vietnam declares Independence
    Announcement made by Ho Chi Minh declaring independence. Began speech with excerpts from US Declaration of Independence.
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    French warships open fire on port city of Haipaong, 6,000 civilians killed. Marked the start of the First Indochina War.
  • Aid of Indochina War from US

    Aid of Indochina War from US
    Aid rose from 10 million dollars to 100 million dollars in one year. US was paying 80% of car costs in Indochina.
  • Surprise attack.

    Surprise attack.
    Ho Chi Minh launched a surprise attack on a French military base. Eventually overrunning the camp completely.
  • Geneva Accords

    Viet Minh and French sign the Geneva Accords to stop the fighting. Vietnam was split along the 17th parallel temporarily.
  • President Minh

    President Minh
    Ho Chi Minh declares himself president of South Vietnam.
  • Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy became president. First presidential debate that was shown on TV.
  • Opposing Diem

    Opposing Diem
    South Vietnamese officers killed 9 demonstrators. A Buddhist monk set himself on fire in protest.
  • Covert Attacks

    Covert Attacks
    Lyndon B. Johnson approves covert attacks on radar stations along North Vietnam's coast.