
  • Japanese Surrender

    The Japanese surrendered and Vietnamese people saw this as a chance to become free.
  • Period: to


  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh defeated the French fear spread that communism would take over
  • French Vietnam war

    The war ended after eight years of fighting France then agreed to stop ruling Vietnam
  • JFK assassaination

    JFK was assassinated and that became problem for the United States
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    North Vietnam sent a torpedo boat towards a U.S. ship and bombed it and the president asked congress if he could do what was needed to stop them.
  • Anti Protests

    Anti protests spread across the nation included people from every where and some where peaceful and some became violent
  • Ngueyn Cao Ky

    Ngueyn Cao Ky seized power and crushed Anti-Governments
  • Vietnamization

    Slowly helped troops get home and leave Vietnam and come back to america
  • Attacks on Cambodia

    The attacks on Cambodia triggered protest in America and created the Hawks and Dove
  • American death toll and cost of war

    More than 50,000 Americans died and the cost was around 200 billion dollars
  • American Death Toll and cost of war

    More than 50,000 Americans died and it costed around 200 billion dollars
  • Watergate

    Nixon hired five men to spy on his opponent and paid them money
  • Vietnam death toll

    South vietnam lost 350,00 lives and north vietnam was mostly destroyed and they lost between 500,000 and 1 million lives
  • New Chemical Weapons

    Napalm is a jelly like substance that bursts into fire and Agent Orange a herbicide to kill plants and find people was used in the war