

  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    The Vietmnamese forces won against the French and gained independence.
  • US marines land in South Vietnam

    US marines land in South Vietnam
    There were 3,500 marines that landed in South Vietnam as the first American soldiers to join the war.
  • Operation Starlite began

    Operation Starlite began
    In Van Tuong peninsula in Quang Nagi Province 5,500 US marines attacked a Viet Cong stronghold.
  • House Un-American Activities Committe began investigations

    House Un-American Activities Committe began investigations
    The US arrested 50 anti-war demonstrators after being alarmed by the growth of the demostrators. They believed that some may be helping Vietnamese.
  • Enemy mounted Tet Offense

    Enemy mounted Tet Offense
    America was disappointed when the Vietnamese rose after the Americans thought they were collapsing.
  • Massacre

    A Vietnamese platoon leader, Lt. William Calley, led a massacre in My Lai. People of all ages were killed.
  • Lt. William Calley went to jail

    Lt. William Calley went to jail
    Lt. William Calley was sent to jail with only a light sentence and was later pardoned by Pesident Nixon. This was all because of the massacre he led in Vietnam in 1968.
  • Invasion of Laos

    Invasion of Laos
    Troops from South Vietnam and American support, invaded Laos.
  • United States president election

    United States president election
    George McGovern and President Nixon ran against each other in the election. Nixon's secretary said that there would soon be peace but the peace agreement wasn't signed until 1973. This remark was used to make fun of Nixon by North North Vietnam.
  • Paris Peace Accord

    Paris Peace Accord
    The signing of the Paris Peace AAccords ended all US involvement in Vietnam.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    It stopped the president's abilty to send troops without the approval from the Congress.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    It caused the President to ask for permission of letting out troops.
  • pardon of Vietnam war drafters

    pardon of Vietnam war drafters
    In 1977 President Jimmy Carter pardoned all Vietnam war drafters.