
  • 1941

    In 1941, a Vietnamese communist, Ho Chi Minh, drew on that history to stir up nationalist feelings in northern.
  • 1880's

    From the 1880's up until World War ll, Vietnam was part of French Indochina, a French colony.
  • 1945

    On September 2, 1945, the same day that Japan formally suspended, Vietnam declared its independence.
  • 1946

    In November 1946, French warships opened fire on the port city of Haiphong.
  • 1950

    This aid rose from $10 million in 1950 to more than $100 million in 1951.
  • 1951

    By 1951, thousands of U.S. soldiers had already died in Korea trying to halt the spread of communism.
  • 1954

    By 1954, the United States was paying 80% of the cost of the war in Indochina.
  • 1955

    In 1955, the United States used its influence to put an anticommunist South Vietnamese leader, Ngo Dinh Diem, in charge.
  • 1960

    In 1960, the Viet MInh formed a group called the National Liberation Front and invited all opponents of Diem to join.
  • 1961

    When Kennedy became president in 1961, e sent an inspection team to South Vietnam to evaluate the situation.