Vietnam War Timeline

  • Domino Theory coined

    The theory President Eisenhower said that once communism expanded to some countries, it would cause others to become communist.
  • Geneva Accords

    Made Vietnam independent and France withdraw troops from Vietnam
  • Assassination of Diem

    Killing of South Vietnam president at the time
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Allowed LBJ to take any actions he felt necessary in southeastern Asia
  • LBJ orders first troops to Vietnam

    United States becomes involved in Vietnam more actively
  • Tet Offensive

    Coordinated attack of South Vietnam
  • My Lai Massacre

    Mass killings of South Vietnamese by United States troops
  • Nixon's Vietnamization policy

    Plan to prepare South Vietnamese for war and withdraw US troops
  • Nixon sends troops into Cambodia

    Troops deployed to remove North Vietnamese from Cambodia and push them away
  • Kent State shooting

    Killings of anti war protesters at Kent State university
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Attack of anti war student protesters from office and construction workers
  • Nixon's Christmas Bombing

    United States bombing of North Vietnam in Vietnam war
  • Paris peace Acoords

    Meeting to end Vietnam war
  • War Powers Act

    Bill that would allow Congress to declare war, not just president
  • Saigon falls

    Ending event of Vietnam war