
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was fought over a period of 20 years. It was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam and their allies. The United States fought on the side of South Vietnam in order to keep South Vietnam from being converted to a communist country.
  • Battle of Ap Bac

    Battle of Ap Bac
    This battle was the first major battle in the Vietnam War. North Vietnam won the battle, even though South Vietnam was more prepared. There were many South Vietnam casualties.
  • The United States Ground War Begins

    The United States Ground War Begins
    On this day, the United States sent in a group of Marines to fight on the ground and assist in the war effort.
  • Battle of la Drang

    Battle of la Drang
    This battle was the first major battle the United States troops participated in against North Vietnam. It took place over 5 days. This battle was crucial to the war as it solidified each side's fighting tactics.
  • The Battle of Khe Sanh

    The Battle of Khe Sanh
    This battle was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. The battle began when North Vietnam bombed United States Marines at the garrison as Khe Sanh. The battle lasted for 77 days, in which the United States and South Vietnam fought against the North Vietnam siege on the garrison. There was no clear winner of this battle.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was the biggest battle in the Vietnam War. More than 100 Southern Vietnam cities were attacked. After recovering from the shock of the attack, the United States and Southern Vietnam fought back valiantly and defeated the Northern Vietnam fighters that had attacked them.
  • Operation Pegasus

    Operation Pegasus
    This operation is the relief effort that was used to stop the battle of Khe Sanh. It took place in early April, and it led to the siege being lifted off of the garrison of Khe Sanh. The United States Marines, and the Calvary and battalion of South Vietnam participated.
  • The Madman Theory

    The Madman Theory
    The madman theory was Nixon's attempt to get the enemies of South Vietnam to surrender. He believed that if he could convince their enemies that he was crazy and would go to extreme measures if he was provoked that they would surrender to avoid his rash decisions if they upset him. This tactic did not work.
  • The Vietnam Moratorium

    The Vietnam Moratorium
    The Vietnam Moratorium was one of many public demonstrations of the opposition of the United States being involved in the Vietnam War. Most of these protests took place between the years 1962 and 1973
  • United States Troops Withdrawn from Vietnam

    United States Troops Withdrawn from Vietnam
    On this day, the United States withdrew the last of their troops. The first troops were withdrawn on July 7th, 1969.
  • South Vietnam Surrenders

    South Vietnam Surrenders
    When Northern Vietnam invaded South Vietnam on this day, they were able to successfully take over the country and gain control of the government.