The First Indochina War begins
Viet Minh begin fighting against French rule -
Period: to
Vietnam War
South Vietnam declares itself the Republc of Vietnam
South Vietnam be came independent. Ngo Dinh Diem was elected president in rigged elections -
North Vietnamese ship alledgedly attaked US Ship
Three North vietnamese ships alledgedly attacked the U.S.S Maddox in the Tonkin Gulf. -
Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
This authourized President Johnson to take any necssary measures to repel arm attacks and prevent aggression. -
Us begins Operation Rolling Thunder
The US begins bombing North Vietnam for three years. By march, the US had over 200,000 troops in Vietnam. -
Operation Cedar Falls
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara deems the bombing ineffective and sends 30,000 US and South Vietnamese troops to destroy North Vietnamese supplies. -
Tet Offensive
North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces attack 100 South Vietnamese towns. The US later recapture most of the areas. Nixon is elected president. -
Operation Breakfast
President Nixon approved of bombingf Communist supply routes ad base camps in Cambodia. Buombing goes on for 14 months without Congress' knowledge. -
Attack on Cambodia
President Nixon announced that US troops will attack enemy bases in Cambodia. Protests occur at college campuses. -
The Eastern Offensive
North Vietnamese troops cross the Demiliterized zone at the 17th parallel to attack South Vietnam. -
Cease fire
US secratary of state Henry Kissinger and Vietcong leader Le Duc Tho sign a cease fire. They are awarded with the nobel peace prize -
War is over
South Vietnam surrenders after North Vietnam assualt.