Eisenhower Presidential Administration
January 20, 1953, through January 20, 1961 -
Dien Bien Phu
Dien Bien Phu is a city in Northwest Vietnam, where a battle broke out between the United States, France, the State of Vietnam, China, the Soviet Union, and North Vietnam. The Communists Vietnamese or the Viet Minh won the battle, the battle started on March 13, 1954, and ended on May 7, 1954. -
Geneva Accords
The Geneva Accords or the 1954 Geneva Conference was intended to solve issues related to the First Indochina War and the Korean War. The Geneva Accords resulted in a cease-fire on the 17 parallel which divided Vietnam into Northern and Southern Vietnam. The accords also stated that communists and guerilla forces would leave Cambodia and Laos to allow for free elections. The Geneva Accords lasted from April 26, 1954 through July 20, 1954. -
Kennedy Presidential Administration
January 20, 1961, through November 22, 1963 -
Johnson Presidential Administration
November 22, 1963, through January 20, 1969 -
Gulf of Tonkin
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident began when two unprovoked North Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on the USS Madox and Turner Joy. This incident increased the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War. -
Tonkin Resolution
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed by Congress on August 7, 1964. This resolution gave President Lyndon B. Johnson to do whatever he needed to do to retaliate against Communists forces and to promote the development of national security and peaceful relations in Southeast Asia. -
Vietnamization was one of Richard Nixon's policies that brought the U.S. troops out of Vietnam and trained and supplied South Vietnamese forces so that they could give them a bigger role in combat. Vietnamization was executed successfully, but ultimately failed because the United States couldn't prevent the fall of Saigon which in turn led to South Vietnam being taken over and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is formed. -
Tet Offensive
The Tet Offensive was one of the largest campaigns during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive was won by North Vietnam (Communists) and this began the American withdrawal from Vietnam. The Tet Offensive began on January 1 1968 and ended on September 23, 1968. -
My Lai Massacre
The My Lai Massacre was one of the most brutal acts of violence during the Vietnam War. American soldiers almost everyone in the village of My Lai, even the elderly, women, and children. I myself after researching the My Lai Massacre find it disgusting that Americans would commit such atrocities, no matter how much hardship happened in Vietnam our troops shouldn't have committed such an act. -
Nixon Presidential Administration
January 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974 -
Invasion of Cambodia
The Invasion of Cambodia lasted from April 29, 1970- July 22, 1970, where the United States and South Vietnam invaded Northern Vietnam controlled Cambodia. The United States had wanted to continue Vietnamization and they felt that helping South Vietnam to take over Cambodia would reduce threats of PAVN/VC forces. -
Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Ellsberg is an American economist, former military analyst, and political analyst. Ellsberg wrote the Pentagon Papers which revealed that the United States was secretly doing more in the Vietnam War conflict than the world knew of, examples are the bombing of Marine Corps attacks and on enemy-occupied cities such as Laos and Cambodia. The public didn't like what the Pentagon Papers revealed because it showed that the previous 4 U.S. presidents lied about our involvement in Vietnam. -
Pentagon Papers
The Petagon Papers were a series of papers that were released to the the world and showed the history of the United States military and political involvement in Vietnam from 1945 through 1967. -
Christmas Bombing
The Christmas Bombing was the nickname given by Nixon to Operation Linebacker II. This operation was carried out by the United States Seventh Air Force and US Navy Task Force 77 on December 18 1972 through December 29 1972, where the targets bombed were in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam towards the end of the United States involvement in the Vietnam War conflict. -
Paris Peace Conference/Accords
The Paris Peace Accords is the peace treaty that officially ended the Vietnam War and the United States' involvement in Vietnam. The Paris Peace Accords were signed on January 27, 1973. -
War Powers Act
The War Powers Act or the War Powers Resolution is a federal law basically defines the United States President's ability to commit the United States to an armed conflict of which involvement hasn't gotten Congress's consent. This act was enacted by the 93 United States Congress on November 7, 1973. -
Ford Presidential Election
August 9, 1974, through January 20, 1977 -
Fall of Saigon
The Fall of Saigon was the PAVN and Veit Kong forces liberation of the South Vietnamese capital. Saigon fell on April 30, 1975, and led to North Vietnamese forces being able to take over South Vietnam and eventually form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.