Images 5


By kyle111
  • Period: to


  • the beginning of the conflict

    the beginning of the conflict
    communist ho chi secretly returns to vietnam after 30 yearsof being exile and organized known as the veit minh . amid rumors of a possible american attack . french install boa dia as their puppet ruler
  • domino theory

    eisenhowered thought if one country fell. to communist that it would cause a rippleeffect . that would cause other countrys to fall communist countrys .
  • indochina war

    the french where outnumbered there where 50,000 viet minh under gen giap they took the french that surrvived to a prison camp half of them died . and then other battels took place and the french retreated from vietnam they where not prepared to fight in the jungle.
  • campaign of terror against villages controlled by deim

    the attaked dthe villages controled by deim and took controle of them .to stop him from attaking the south vietnam . and to stop him from doing other tings.
  • vietcong formed

    they where created by the communist in the north vietnam .they fought gorrila warfare and they would blend in with the crowed . and they made hit and run attakes on potrols comming by and when the mission was done they whould blend in with there suroudings.
  • u.s. military begins using agent orange

    they used agent ornge to clear jungle . so that the troops could see the enamy when they are soting at them .they said that it will not affect the troops but later it gave them cancer and caused there children to have cancer when they are born .
  • gulf of tonkins

    u.s ships where on there way to attack north vietnam .and two north vietnamese torpido attacked the boats.u.s boats where sunk off the gulf of tonkin
  • u.s arial bombing -operation rolling thunder

    nixon ordered the bomming .of north vietnam bases and other outposts in north vietnam.and the bomming of villages in vietnam .
  • first u.s ground troops sent to vietnam

    u.s. sent 3,500 soldiers to protect their base .many sv did not want the u.s.there but with in a few years nearly 500,000soldiers in vietnam
  • tet offensive

    vietnamese new year the vietcong and north vietnamese used it as a cover to suprise attack in ever major city in south vietnam.and they capitured the capital but by february 25 the siege it had ended.
  • police of vietnamization announced

    nixon started to vietnamization this was to restore peace and honor in theu.s. for going into vietnam nd fighting a war . vietnamizationbrought soldiers home.
  • kent state incident

    students where protesting the war at kent state . a soldier there fied on the crowed and he killed 2 students and wonded 12.
  • watergate scandal

    5 men where arested when they tried to break into the democratic office . it was set up by nixon to see what they they where planing. but they got arrested they where paid hush mony by the whight house to never speak of it
  • u.s. troops withdraw from vietnam

    withdraw the troops to make peace betwen south and north . but as soon as troops left north attacked south and killed a lot of people and took over south vietna