
  • Eisenhower administration

    He was the commander of the allied forces in Europe, the army chief-of-staff after the war, and the director of NATO for two years. Dwight displayed "grandfatherly good will". The night before the 1952 presidential elections, he declared that he would personally go to Korea and end the war. This helped to win the majority in 41 of the lower 48 states. Eisenhower reigned over a period of unstable peace and prosperity. Sent army troops to enforce federal court orders to integrate schools in AR.
  • Geneva accords

    The Geneva Accords of 1954 were designed to secure peace in Vietnam but would eventually contribute to war. In April 1954, diplomats from almost a hundred nations - including the United States, the Soviet Union, China, France and Great Britain - attended a conference in Geneva, Switzerland. It was initially convened to discuss two other Cold War hotspots: Berlin and Korea.
  • Dien bien phu

    In 1954, Vietminh rebels besieged a French garrison at Dien Bien Phu, deep in the interior of northern Vietnam. In May, after the United States refused to intervene, Dien Bien Phu fell to the communists.
  • Kennedy administration

    Cold war and the superpower rivalry and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Used the technology of the television to tell the public about the crisis and he allowed the leaders of the Soviet Union to withdraw their missiles. Building of the Berlin Wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war. He was assassinated.
  • Johnson administration

    He privately wanted to stay out of Vietnam but sent soldiers because his goal was to stop the spread of communism.
    Signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He had a War on Poverty in his agenda. in an attempt to win, he set a few goals, including the Great Society, the Economic Opportunity Act, and other programs that provided food stamps and welfare to needy families. He also created a Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Tonkin gulf resolution

    a joint resolution passed by congress after U.S. Navy ships had been cooperating with the South Vietnamese in raids along the coast of North Vietnam and then two U.S. ships were allegedly fired upon, Johnson called the attack "unprovoked" and moved to make political gains out of the incident, He ordered a "limited" retaliatory air raid against the North Vietnamese bases.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    President Lyndon B. Johnson incorrectly claimed that North Vietnamese forces had twice attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Tet offensive

    In February 1968, the Viet Cong (communist guerrillas) in South Vietnam launched a major offensive, hoping to provoke widespread rebellion in the country. The effort failed, but the psychological impact on South Vietnam and the United States (declining approval of LBJ and more anti-war sentiment) made it a great victory for the Viet Cong and North Vietnam. The United States thereafter reversed its policy of escalation and began a policy of Vietnamization of the war.
  • My lai massacre

    Military assault in a small Vietnamese village on March 16, 1968, in which American soldiers under the command of 2nd Lieutenant William Calley murdered hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mostly women and children. The atrocity produced outrage and reduced support for the war in America and around the world when details of the massacre and an attempted cover-up were revealed in 1971.
  • Vietnamization

    President Nixon's announced policy, was to withdraw the 540,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam over an extended period. The South Vietnamese, with American money, weapons, training, and advice, could then gradually take over the burden of fighting their own war
  • Nixon administration

    In 1971 the 26th Amendment was passed and added to the Constitution. Reduced troops in Vietnam and signed a peace treaty, ending US involvement in Vietnam. Normalized relations with China with detente. Watergate Scandal. Resigned from office.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    The invasion of Cambodia was designed to attack the head quarters of the Viet Cong base camps which Cambodia was using as a sanctuary
    •Protests began occurring the next day and had various types of rallies and demonstrations
    •Violent confrontation between protestors and local police, police cars were hit with bottles, store windows broken
    •Entire police force was called to duty and Mayor Satrom declared state of emergency and called the governor to seek help.
  • Daniel ellsberg

    a former American military analyst employed by the RAND Corporation who precipitated a national political controversy in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers.
  • Fulbright commission

    Within Congress one of the two house - the senate has a foreign affairs Committee. Chairman William Fulbright investigated the Vietnam War with a view of giving advice on how to end US involvement.
  • Pentagon papers

    During the Vietnam War, Daniel Ellsberg leaked confidential information to the press. These revealed that the government had kept information about the war from Congress and the public ( 7,000-page top-secret United States government report on the history of the internal planning and policy-making process within the government itself concerning the Vietnam War). Nixon tried to block New York Times from publishing the information, but Congress ruled that the papers have the constitutional right.
  • Christmas bombing

    brought on by stalemate in peace talks; 11 straight days of bombing N. Vietnam pausing only on Christmas Day. Killed an estimate of 2 million people and destroyed many towns and villages. US saw this attack of bombs in Vietnam as a loss. Was not a celebration to say the least.
  • War powers act

    Law passed by Congress limiting the President's ability to wage war without Congressional approval. The act required the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing troops to a foreign conflict and they have 60-90 to bring them home if they disagree. An important consequence of the Vietnam War, this piece of legislation sought to reduce the President's unilateral authority in military matters.
  • Paris peace accords

    the Paris Peace Accords was an agreement between the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam , the Republic of Vietnam , and the United States to bring an end to the Vietnam War. The settlement included a cease-fire throughout Vietnam. It addition, the United States agreed to the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and advisors and the dismantling of all U.S. bases within 60 days.
  • Ford administration

    Solely elected by a vote from Congress. He pardoned Nixon of all crimes that he may have committed. Evacuated nearly 500,000 Americans and South Vietnamese from Vietnam, closing the war. We are heading toward rapid inflation. He runs again and debates Jimmy Carter. At the debate he is asked how he would handle the communists in eastern Europe and he said there were none and this apparently sealed his fate.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Almost two years after American troops had begun to pull out of the Vietnam conflict, the South Vietnamese capital fell to Communist North Vietnam. The fall of the capital happened so quickly that the remaining Americans, and about 140,000 South Vietnamese, were evacuated by helicopter. The fall of Saigon was a great representation of the persistence of the Communist regime to spread further. The fall also showed America's failure to stop the spread of Communism and show America isn’t invincible