
  • nationalism

    in the 1900s, the vietnamese fromed servarl politcal parties to push for independence. ho chi minh study in europe and became a advocate for communism. when he came back he joined the communist party and worked to overthrown french rule
  • united states supports the french

    french did not want the vietnam to be independent. the french frove the vietminh in to the countryside. america suportted to french stop the spread of communism.
  • french get pushed out

    the french struggled agiasnt the guerilla warfare that the vietnimh were useing. the war was very unpopular in france.
  • eisenhower also suports the frence

    by this time the U S was paying 1/4 of the war cost. but when asked about this eisenhowed stresed the domino theroy
  • defeat at dien phu

    french captured the mountian of dien bien phu but a large vietminh force surronded them and bomb raided them. 7,00 frnech solders die and this convinced the french to withdraw and make peace.
  • geneva accords

    viema, was split on the 17th parrell . the vietnimh controled the north. and was a pro-western goverment lead by ngo dinh diem.
  • free elections

    diem refused to have free election because he knew that the north would not g\enuiely allow free ecletions. US supported diem and backed him up with money and military.
  • american involvement deepens

    ho chi minh lead a armed stuggle to reunify the nation. became know as vietcong. vietcong assianted many govment officals. US sends over advisors for the south vietnam army.
  • kenedy taking over

    kennedy conutined to support the sout vietminse. he saw it as a way to stop the speard of communsim.increased the number of troops in vietman.
  • diem's govement

    the US thought that vietcong were growing becuase diems goverment was unpopluar . the diem govement had man reformes. strategic hamlets for expamle. villages were protected by machine guns and barbed wire. this progam was very unpoplaur
  • diem's goverment falls

    he was discrimminating agianst buddhism. he outlaws buddhists flags for buddhas birthday. he killed 9 poeple when the poeple tooke to the streets.a monk set himself on fire in protest. the military sezied controll of the goverment and exucted diem
  • the guld of tokin

    torepedos were fired at us destroyers of the coast of vietnam. johnson order aircarfts to attack north vietmanises ships and naval facilitle. congressed pass a that if us ships are fired apon they can fight back
  • protest being

    michiagin had teach-ins where they desuced the war and why they oppesed it. soon there were nation wide teach-ins.
  • troops are sent over

    vietcong attack us bases and killed 7 americans. us responed by attack bietcong with airships. johson started operating rolling thunder. which sent the first combat stroops over.
  • bombings

    us bombs killed over 200,000 vietcongs but they howed no sign of surreding as more US soliders diedthe n otion of winging the war quicly was gone.
  • credbility gap

    as the war drugged on the public became to disagree with the war. aslo people started to question if johnson admiration had been telling the truth about the war. because they were telling everone the end was near bunepople were seeing otherwise on tv
  • determinded enemy

    johson underestmated the enemthey had not intetnion of surreding.johson was fighting a limited war because he did not want to bring china in to the war. becuawse of this US was fight ing a war of attriction
  • bolldy stalemate

    the number of troops in 1996 double to over 320,000. lacking the firepower of the us, vietcvong used ambushes and gurilla tactics to fight the war.
  • anger at the draft

    the drafting system was unfair. low income familes who couldnt affrod colleges were sent to vietnam whilepeople who could affrod college could put it it off till the graduated. 500,00 people refuesd to go to the draft. 3300 people were sent to jail for refusing to go
  • voting

    many poeple wre angry about that you could fight for your nation but you cant vote. congressed changed the voting age to 18
  • tet offensive

    tet, a holiday in vietnam. the vietcong attack every airbass and all the major cities in south vietnam. after months the american forces repealled the attacking forces and confilcting heavy loss onthem. also the media openly criztied the war. 35% of the pulbic still supported the war after the tet offeinvse.
  • massacre at my lai

    mmore then 200 unrame civilians were killed by an american paltoon. aslo nixion invaded camboia to destroy vietcong bases there. many people protested this and kent state was one of them national graud killed four peolpe at the protest.
  • season of vciolence

    riots broke out in major cities after the killer of mlk was anccounced. robert kennedy was gunned down by a arab.
  • nixion wins

    nixon won by saying that he was gonna reunfy thhe nation and end the war in vietnam.he won by a slim margin.
  • nixion pulls out

    nixon negogates with the russian and chianise to give less aid and with north vietnam to have a seise fire for pows. he pulls out 25,00 troops
  • pentagon papers

    these were paper release to the new york times that showed how the johson adminastion would deceive the press and congress.
    many american knew they werent being honest but this proves it
  • pull out of vitnam

    two thirds of american were pulled out of vietnam. after the last troops were pulled out the vietcong launded full scalae attack on south vietnam. theiu asked us for help but nixon resinged and congress refuessd. saigon fell to north vietnam and untify the country