

  • French-Vietminh War Starts

    French-Vietminh War Starts
    French Wins
  • Britian gives India its Independence

    Britian gives India its Independence
  • French set up a new government in Vietnam.

    French set up a new government in Vietnam.
  • United State's is paying for 3/4 of France's war costs.

    United State's is paying for 3/4 of France's war costs.
  • French troops seize Dien Bien Phu

    French troops seize Dien Bien Phu
  • The Geneva Accords are signed in Paris

    The Geneva Accords are signed in Paris
  • French fall to the Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu.

    French fall to the Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu.
    The French withdraw from Indochina.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem doesn't want to participate in elections in Vietnam

    Ngo Dinh Diem doesn't want to participate in elections in Vietnam
  • Number of Military Advisors in South Vietnam reaches about 15,000

    Number of Military Advisors in South Vietnam reaches about 15,000
  • Diem bans traditional religious flags for Buddha's birthday.

    Diem bans traditional religious flags for Buddha's birthday.
    Buddhists protested and Diem's police killed 9 people and hurt 14 others. One monk set himself on fire.
  • Henry Cabot Lodge goes to Vietnam. His arrival soon leads to Diem's execution.

    Henry Cabot Lodge goes to Vietnam. His arrival soon leads to Diem's execution.
  • North Vietnamese torpedo boats fire on two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.

    North Vietnamese torpedo boats fire on two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • The goverment passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

    The goverment passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • The Vietcong attack at Pleiku leaves 7 Americans dead and more than 100 wounded.

    The Vietcong attack at Pleiku leaves 7 Americans dead and more than 100 wounded.
    14 hours later, Americans attack North Vietnam.
  • Johnson releases a bombing campaign called Operation Rolling Thunder.

    Johnson releases a bombing campaign called Operation Rolling Thunder.
  • Teach-ins begin on college campuses throughout the nation.

    Teach-ins begin on college campuses throughout the nation.
  • MLK, jr speaks out on the high number of African Americans and poor people dying in Vietnam.

    MLK, jr speaks out on the high number of African Americans and poor people dying in Vietnam.
  • The Vietcong and North Vietnamese launcha surprise attack.

    The Vietcong and North Vietnamese launcha surprise attack.
  • Johnson drops out of the presidential race.

    Johnson drops out of the presidential race.
  • Reports leak that an American platoon killed more than 200 South Vietnamese civilians...My Lai.

    Reports leak that an American platoon killed more than 200 South Vietnamese civilians...My Lai.
  • Nixon withdrawls 25,000 soldiers.

    Nixon withdrawls 25,000 soldiers.
  • Kissinger has secret negotiations with Le Du Tho, North Vietnam's negotiator.

    Kissinger has secret negotiations with Le Du Tho, North Vietnam's negotiator.
  • Kent State University--Ohio National Guard soldiers kill 4 students and wound 9 others.

    Kent State University--Ohio National Guard soldiers kill 4 students and wound 9 others.
  • Congress repeals the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

    Congress repeals the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • Kissinger and Le Duc Tho annouce that peace is coming.

    Kissinger and Le Duc Tho annouce that peace is coming.
  • An agreement is signed to promote peace in Vietnam and end the war.

    An agreement is signed to promote peace in Vietnam and end the war.
  • The last Americans are evacuated from Vietnam.

    The last Americans are evacuated from Vietnam.
  • North Vietnam invades South Vietnam.

    North Vietnam invades South Vietnam.
  • North Vietnamese capture Saigon and "unite Vietnam under Communist rule."

    North Vietnamese capture Saigon  and "unite Vietnam under Communist rule."