March is considered "Independence"
The Japanesse declare that the french rule at the end of the Vietnam War. -
President Franklin D Rossevelt Dies of a hemorraghe
The US drops a bomb on Hiroshima killing 75,000 instantly
French Troops return to Vietnam
They clash with communist and nationalist forces. -
France recognized Democratic republic as a free state but they thought it was phony.
The French recognize that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam as a free state -
Truman doctrine is issued
offering support to the US troops across the nations. -
The cold war opens with the Soviet Union
The Berlin airlift was issued by Truman -
President Harry S Truman is elected to 2nd term
Truman supports french government in Vietnam
The government recognizes Bao Dia as a government and gives them $15 million in military aid
Truman sends first military advisor to Vietnam
Geneva conference splits Vietnam at 17th parallel
John F Kennedy defeats Richard Nixon to become 35th president
An american serviceman dies in Vietnam, hes the first one reported
Over 1000 college students gather in new york to protest the Vientman war.
The US congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin resolution
Wide Spread protests about the vietnam war breaks out.
New of the My Lai massacre breaks
South Vietnamese President Thieu Resigns
Helicopter Evacuation from US embassy in Saigon