
  • Viet Minh Founded.

    Viet Minh Founded.
    The Viet Minh—the League for the Independence of Vietnam—is founded.
  • Roosevelt dies

    Roosevelt dies
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia. With the death of President Roosevelt, Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes the 33rd President of the United States.
  • Weapons from China

    Weapons from China
    The Viet Minh receive military advisors and weapons from China
  • Freinds with France.

    Freinds with France.
    The United States pledges $15 million worth of military aid to France to help them fight in Vietnam.
  • VeitCong

    Vietcong Formed (National Liberation Front for South Vietnam)
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    A sustained U.S. aerial bombing campaign of North Vietnam begins (Operation Rolling Thunder).
  • Sending troops.

    Sending troops.
    Over 200,000 US troops are sent to Vietnam
    February: Bombing raids on North Vietnam commence referred to as 'Operation Rolling Thunder'. The air raids continue for three years.
    Students at American Universities start to strongly protest against the US policy in Vietnam
  • Massacre in Mai Lai.

    Massacre in Mai Lai.
    U.S. soldiers kill hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in the town of Mai Lai.
  • Operation Breakfast

    Operation Breakfast
    Operation Breakfast: Nixon authorises the covert bombing of Cambodia in an attempt to destroy supply routes. The death of Ho Chi Minh
  • Nationwide Protests.

    Nationwide Protests.
    President Nixon announces that U.S. troops will attack enemy locations in Cambodia. This news sparks nationwide protests, especially on college campuses
  • Cease-Fire Agreement

    Cease-Fire Agreement
    A cease-fire agreement is signed in Paris
    The end of the Draft is publicised
    All remaining US troops leave Vietnam