
Videogame Timeline

  • The Home Console

    The Home Console
    The first home console, a console that can be accessed from your home to stop the pain of going all the way to the arcade. Having to share the spots with others, was released in the same year as Pong was made, in 1972. It was a very useful tool for families to gather if they wanted to do more than watch TV. The name of this console was the Magnavox Odyssey
  • NES was released

    NES was released
    The groundbreaking NES, known as the saving grace of gaming, as it was going through a market crash at the time, is one of the best and most innovative home consoles for it's time, with it's best selling game Super Mario Bros. releasing the day before.
  • The SNES was released

    The SNES was released
    The SNES was a sequel console to the NES, and a response to the NES being such a smash hit with families and homes across Japan and America. This not only certified Nintendo's position as the leader of the gaming market, but also encouraged other companies to join in and see if they could make their mark in the new gaming economy.
  • The Playstation was released

    The Playstation was released
    In 1994, Sony decides to throw their hat in the ring and release the Playstation, a new home console, it didn't really pick up steam at first, but Sony would keep trying in the later years. It would seem they purposely released it in December just in time for the holidays.
  • The Nintendo 64 was released

    The Nintendo 64 was released
    The Nintendo 64 was Nintendo's first step into 3D, and it was very VERY successful. With groundbreaking graphic for the time, and groundbreaking games the Nintendo 64 was nothing to mess with. It showed by the sales numbers too.
  • The Playstation 2 was released

    The Playstation 2 was released
    The Playstation 2 was released 6 years after the first, and was a major improvement, with improved graphics and UI. It definitely had a leg in the race, but if we're being honest it wouldn't be able to compete with the monster that is XBOX that would release a year later
  • The Nintendo Gamecube was released

    The Nintendo Gamecube was released
    The Nintendo Gamecube was released, unfortunately for Nintendo, it wasn't the smashing success they really wanted it to be. Luckily, for them it did pretty well, but with the tech that the Playstation 2 and the Xbox brings to the table they just couldn't compete with it. Fortunately they would step up their game for the next generation.
  • the XBOX was released

    the XBOX was released
    The XBOX was released in 2001, under the ownership of Microsoft, as proof that the XBOX wasn't a console to be messed with, it completely outsold it's competition, the PS2 and the Nintendo Gamecube. It might be old for it's time, but for the year it was released in it was definitely ground breaking.
  • The Xbox 360 was released

    The Xbox 360 was released
    The Xbox 360 was released, and was aimed at a much more.. hardcore audience, so to speak, than consoles like the Wii and Playstation 3, it had games like Call of Duty on it, and had a much more toxic community surrounding it. Looking back on it as someone who had both a Wii and Xbox 360, I'd honestly say I prefer Xbox because of the ultra competitive environment.
  • The Playstation 3 was released

    The Playstation 3 was released
    The Playstation 3 is known as one of worst consoles in terms of sales, because of its astonishing opening price of 599$ compared to Xbox and Nintendo's modest price of 299$, not the wisest decisions on Sony's part, especially because of how well Nintendo's marketing tactics did, and how Xbox completely outclassed Sony in terms of tech. Luckily, Playstation 3 still turned out okay.
  • The Nintendo Wii was released

    The Nintendo Wii was released
    The Wii was released to much applause! Recently, games had been becoming less family oriented and much more violent to the public eye, the Wii embraced the fact that it was made for the family with motion control, casual sports games, and multiplayer games to have fun with the whole family.
  • The Wii U was released

    The Wii U was released
    The Wii U is Nintendo's equivalent to the Playstation 3, A horribly performing console that was mediocre at best, but a detriment to the company who made it. Luckily Nintendo was able to bounce back and make a nearly perfect console afterwards.
  • The Playstation 4 was released

    The Playstation 4 was released
    The Playstation 4 is probably one of Sony's most groundbreaking and most iconic work ever made, probably even more than the PS5 will ever be. The PS4 is more than an upgrade from the PS3 its almost a completely different console, having such a dramatic and positive upgrade, without the 500$ price tag, and probably still made twice the profit that PS3 did.
  • The Xbox One was released

    The Xbox One was released
    The Xbox One was a direct upgrade to the Xbox 360, almost improving it in every way. Xbox was doing very well at this point, but had direct competition with Playstation, of course Nintendo wasn't doing much at this time...
  • The Nintendo Switch comes out

    The Nintendo Switch comes out
    The Nintendo Switch is a groundbreaking hybrid of a portable and handheld console. And it deserves to be one of the highest selling consoles of all time, its innovation and prominent exclusive games make it such a worthwhile buy. Making Nintendo be back in competition with Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's Playstation.