Videogame Timeline

  • First video game OXO

    First video game OXO
    OXO is considered the first video game and it was made by Alexander S. Douglass. The gameplay is exactly like Tic-Tac-Toe, but you are playing against an AI. This game was not available to be played because it was used for research purposes at the Cambridge University.
  • Tennis for Two

    Tennis for Two
    Tennis for Two was the first two player game and it was created by William Higinbotham. The game is similar to ping-pong, but it was played on an oscilloscope. This game was important because it had moving graphics and could be controlled using a knobs.
  • Creation of BASIC Programming Language

    Creation of BASIC Programming Language
    John Kemeny creates the BASIC programming language at Dartmouth College. This allowed anyone to start coding. This led to a rise in the production of games because many people used this programming language to create their own games.
  • Release of the Magnavox Odyssey

    Release of the Magnavox Odyssey
    The Odyssey was the first game console ever. It was designed by Ralph H. Baer The console was plugged into a television for visuals and games came in the form of cartridges.
  • Battlezone, the First Successful 3D Game

    Battlezone, the First Successful 3D Game
    Battlezone was a 3D tank game that used wireframe graphics. The game was a big hit and was played in arcades or on home consoles. This was a very simple game, but it was a start of a new genre of gaming.
  • "Tron" released by Disney

    "Tron" released by Disney
    Tron is a movie that was made to fit in with the rising popularity of video games. There were many games produced and another Tron movie after Tron was released.
  • Release of MUD, a multiplayer game

    Release of MUD, a multiplayer game
    MUD was one of the first multiplayer games. MUD stood for "Multi-User Dungeon." Very early internet was used to play the game. The game was a RPG and was played by typing commands.
  • Release of Doom

    Release of Doom
    Doom was a first person shooter that was very violent. This game and another, Mortal Kombat, led the decision to have age ratings on games. Now, every game that is released has to have an age rating.
  • Steam, an Online Game Platform

    Steam, an Online Game Platform
    The Steam platform was created by the company, Valve. It allowed people to buy and play PC games. The platform had made PC gaming very popular because games were very accessible.
  • Augmented Reality Gaming

    Augmented Reality Gaming
    A game called "Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure" was the first augmented reality game with allowed players to switch characters using special Skylander figurines. This was the start of mixing games with reality.