Video Timeline Hitler

By smeeg
  • Adolf Hitler was born

  • Hitler was put in Landsberg jail

  • Hitler became chancellor

  • Hitler sacked government jobs from anyone not of Aryan descent

  • Local councils banned Jews from public places

  • Nuremberg Laws denied Jews the right of German citizenship

  • Reich Citizenship Law made Jews "subjects"

  • Professional activities of Jews were banned or restricted

  • Jews have to register property

  • Ernst von Rath (German secretary) was assassinated by Herschel Grynspan (Polish Jew)

  • Period: to

    The Night of Broken Glass

    Over 815 Jewish shops were destroyed, 191 synagogues were set on fire, and 76 synagogues were demolished. 91 Jews were killed and 20,000 were arrested.
  • The Jewish community was ordered to pay one billion Reichsmarks

  • Jewish kids excluded from German schools and universities

  • Jews are no longer allowed to run shops or businesses

  • Jews are no longer allowed to buy cakes or chocolate or own radios

  • Hitler invaded the Soviet Union

  • Hitler declared war on the U.S.

  • The Allies invaded Normandy

  • Hitler committed suicide