video games timeline

  • orgins of computer games

    orgins of computer games
    this was the start of a whole new generation of the century the first made game from edward condon for the computers explained more further on
  • tennis for two

    tennis for two
    this modern recreation of the box controller was what they used to use to play the game tennis for two made by william higinbontham
  • Period: to

    tic tac toe

    in this time there was a computer program called TX-0 this was made for mouse in a maze and tic tac toe and then in 1961 a other program called PDP-1
  • space war

    space war
    in december a guy named steve russell made a code started spacewar it took 200 man hours to make the first version in april it went live
  • the first home console

    the first home console
    in this time a guy named ralph baer found a way do bring the games in your home he made a prototype he called the cable company for permisson the turned him e down every important tv manufacturer all turned him down then in 1972 the Magnavox was released
  • Period: to

    lets a go

    1972 was the atari was made and pong then came the second gen of gameing by then third gen gameing came the nes saga genisies the xbox playstation 2 this was the start of the gameing history we have been waiting for