Video Games-Shawn Smith

  • First Video Game

    First Video Game
    Willt Higinbotham, a physicist invents the first video game which was somewhat like a table tennis game and was played on an oscilloscope.
  • First interactive computer game

    First interactive computer game
    Steve Russel brings forward a new game named 'Spacewar'. He was a student of Masachusetts Institute Of Technolgy (MIT).
  • Coleco invents Telstar

    Coleco invents Telstar
    Coleco rekeases its first home video-game console. It allowed users to change games by switching cartridges that resembled
    8-track audio tapes.
  • A game named 'Asteroids' is made

    A game named 'Asteroids' is made
    Asteroids is the first game to allow high scorers to enter three character initials to be stored in the machine.
  • Tetris is developed

    Tetris is developed
    Russsian progammer Alex Pajitnov develops the popular game 'Tetris' and it was then played on a pc.
  • Sony brings playstation to the U.S

    Sony brings playstation to the U.S
    The console is sold for $299 and on the other hand, Nintendo releases Nintendo 64 in Japan.
  • Bill Mitchell's score tops in pacman

    Bill Mitchell's score tops in pacman
    He scored bout 3,333,360 which was the highest possible score a player could earn.
  • GTA 4's sales record

    GTA 4's sales record
    Grand theft auto breaks sales records after gamers bought more than 6 million copies.