First ever video game
Arguably the first ever video game was created by Edward U. Condon. This game was a remake of Nim, however it was computer controlled.
Bibliography: 1940: Nimatron. (2012, July 8). Retrieved October 9, 2015, from https://pbgames.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/1940-nimatron/ -
Computer Controlled Tic Tac Toe
Computer controlled tic tac toe was created by A.S. Douglas. Some say this was the first video game ever, rather than computer controlled Nim.
Bibliography: OXO, a video game for one of the first computers in history. (2011, July 15). Retrieved October 9, 2015, from http://en.wikinoticia.com/Technology/general-technology/91404-oxo-a-video-game-for-one-of-the-first-computers-in-history -
Computer Tennis
Willy Higinbothom created a tennis game on the computer. Again, this was again believed to be the first video game ever. The game was later dismantled, but led up to the creation of pong, -
First ever Computer game
The first ever game was created on a pc. Other games had machines created in order to play games, however, with the creation of Spacewar, people could play video games at home. -
Video games on television
While there was no actual invention untl later, this idea by Ralph Baer lead up to the creation of video game consoles. -
Video games on television in development
Ralph Baer makes his idea come to life and develops the brown box, allowing player to play tennis and other games. -
The Odyssey
Ralph Baer creates the Odyssey, the first ever home video game system. -
Nolan Bushell and Al Alcorn create pong. -
Atari 2600
The Atari 2600 was released to the public, leading to millions of Americans playing video games. -
Space Invaders
Space invaders was created originally in Japan, but later came to the United States. It was the most popular game since the release of Pong. -
Pac-Man was created by Toru Iwanti on May 22, 1980. Supposedly, Pac-Man was inspired by a missing slice of pizza, however, that is just rumor. -
Donkey Kong
The extremely popular game, Donkey Kong was released, leading into a new, extremely popular series. -
Nintendo's Famicom was released in Japan. Two years later, it was released in America as the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES for short. -
A Russian mathematician named Alexey Pajitnov creates tetris. It was later included by every gameboy by Nintendo. -
Legend of Zelda
The very first Legend of Zelda was released in Japan. This is one of the very iconic video games that is still around today. -
The gameboy was released allowing for handheld gaming. -
The original Playstation was released. -
The original Xbox was created by Microsoft, allowing for popular games such as Halo. -
Gaming comes to PC more than ever with the creation of Steam. -
Nintendo DS
Nintendo makes another handheld gaming device, the Nintendo DS. -
Future of Gaming
Gaming has come a long way. After the creation of the Odyssey, home entertainment systems became a big deal. Since then, the NES, Playstation 1-4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox 1, Wii, Wii U, and so many more. What comes next is yet to be found out.