Video Games

By wldflan
  • Tic-Tac-Toe created

    before video games became what they're known for today, games began in the labs of scientists. one of the first having been created by a British professor A.S. Douglas. he called it OXO or as we all commonly know it, Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Tennis For Two

    a few years later in 1958, William Higinbotham created tennis for two on a big screen that was used during a visitor day at a lab in New York
  • Creation of the Game Console

    as games evolved, they have gone from from tic-tac-toe to tennis for two and now a multiplayer multi-program console created by devs at Sanders Associates.
  • The Brown Box

    This console, known as "the brown box" was licensed to Magnavox to be delivered to homes later in 1972, however this system would eventually loose its lackluster and become obsolete. In 1975, Atari released a version of Pong to homes, which became successful to its arcade version
  • Video Game Crash

    as time progressed from "the brown box", the video game market would eventually lead into a crash in 1983 thanks to a number of factors including an over abundant market of consoles, computer gaming making its way into the competition, and an over extended amount of low quality games being released. this crash lead to the closure and bankruptcy for a number of video game companies.
  • NES in the USA

    in Japan, they had a system called Famicom, which came to the United States and was called the Nintendo Entertainment System. this console had 8-bit graphics, greater color, sound and gameplay compared to prior consoles
  • Console War

    in 1989 released a 16-bit console in the United States which was designed to be a better version of the Sega master that was unable to compete with the NES called the genesis. the genesis had superior hardware and created sonic the hedgehog, it managed to pass the NES in popularity and sales.
  • Super Nintendo

    in 1991, Nintendo released its 16-bit console in the United States called the SNES (Super Nintendo entertainment system) which in turn, started the first console war. in the early to mid 1990's, consumers began to see the creation of new games for those consoles which included graphically violent games.