Video Games 2001-2011

By JoshH98
  • Pong

    Pong was released in November of 1972. It was a very simple game for todays standards but for the day it was ground breaking. Featuring two paddles playing ping pong on an open screen it is one of the first highly successful video games.
  • Pac Man

    Pac Man
    Pac Man released on may 22nd 1980 and took the world by storm. The game was not only a success with arcade gamers but became an almost world wide phenomena that even today most people recognize instantly.
  • Battlezone

    created by Ed Rotberg and published by Atari battlezone is a 2.5D game that used 3D style graphics for the first time in video games. The jump from 2D to 3D would become more drastic however this game can be seen as the very start.
  • Doom

    created by ID Software DOOM is one of the first incredibly popular first person shooters in video game history doom revolutionized the way you could play games. They used 2D math and rendering to create 3D art and playstyle generating height geometry and verticality that didn't actually exist at all. This game while controversial to some people really popularized the first person shooter genre.
  • Halo Combat evolved

    Halo Combat evolved
    Halo was created by bungie and published by Microsoft as an on console release for their original Xbox system. The level design and graphics where for the time ground breaking. This game not only sold very well for a first person shooter it launched Microsoft and their Xbox into the conversation for being a powerhouse in video game consoles.