Video Game Timeline

  • 13

    Grand Theft Auto 5

    Grand Theft Auto 5
    GTA 5 is one of the most controversial game with how graphic it is from killing thousands of cops to going to a strip club.
  • Pong

    pong was available to be bought on November 29 1972
  • Pacman

    Pacman was made in 1980 on October 26
  • NES

    Designed to look like a household appliance (and not like a video game console), the NES was the first console released post 1984-tech crash. The console was sold in the USA with the classic games, Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt, along with the accompanying lightgun, robotic operation buddy (R.O.B.), and original controllers. Reaching its height of popularity during the '80s, the NES paved the way for the Japanese gaming giant.
  • Game Boy

    Game Boy
    When Nintendo's GameBoy first hit American markets, it came pre-loaded with a relatively unknown PC game called 'Tetris.' During the first holiday season post-launch, Nintendo went on to sell over one million GameBoy consoles. Today Nintendo has sold nearly 120 million GameBoys worldwide, making GameBoy and GameFreak's beloved 'Pokemon' franchise for GameBoy an icon in the handheld market. The next two followups were the GameBoy colour in 1998 and the GameBoy Advance in 2001.
  • SNES

    The Super NES was Nintendo's response to a decline in NES sales in the early '90s following the arrival of the Sega Genesis in 1989. The 16-bit machine boasted 32K colours, and could also support special effects, including scaling, rotating, and transparency. Super Mario World was included as a pack-in game, much to the delight of fans. This console continued to sell for another eight years--a lifetime in console years!
  • N 64

    N 64
    Unlike Sony, Nintendo's next instalment of its console still relied on the more expensive game cartridges. The decision, it was rumoured, was so that Nintendo could enforce its licensing hold over all games. The console went on to sell millions of copies, thanks to the help of Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and The Legend of Zelda franchise. Five years later, Nintendo would release their optical disc-based GameCube console but would be knocked out by competition from the Xbox and PS2.
  • The Game Cube

    The Game Cube
    the Nintendo game cube was made in 2001 on November 18
  • DS

    The Japanese giant once again wowed fans with its revolutionary dual screen handheld console, the DS. The DS also possessed voice recognition capabilities, allowing players to input commands instead of the traditional manual method. In addition, Nintendo DS players could compete via central hub thanks to the console's LAN connection. The slimmer, more lightweight version (DS Lite) was released in 2006 and the larger DSi XL came out three years later.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    Microsoft second counsel was made on November 22 2005