Video game timeline

  • pacman

    Namco’s Toru created Pacman. He got the idea from a slice of pizza. That year a version of Pac-Man for Atari 2600 becomes the first arcade hit to appear on a home console.
  • Mario

    In 1980, Mario got made. His original name was Jumpman. The name of the creator is Shigeru Miyamoto.
  • Tron

    Disney create a video from the movie Tron. It was a big hit.
  • Mule

    Bunten's made the first multiplayer video game. it was a huge hit for the rest of video game history.
  • Tetrs

    A Russian man invented a game called Tetris. It became popular very quickly and they had tournaments.
  • Nintendo console

    Nintendo makes a console with a gun looking controller. It was a big hit in arcade and video game industries.
  • Reader Rabbit

    A guy makes a educational program that teaches kids. It became very popular
  • Zelda

    it was a huge hit. It was an adventure sandbox game.
  • Football

    John Madden made a football videogame to intrest athletes.
  • Game Boy

    Nintendo's Game Boy was released in 1989. It was so popular featuring pokemon, tony hawks games and more.