video game timeline

  • first video game

    first video game
    First ever video game was created by William Higinbotham, its very simple name of "Pong"
  • first arcade game

    first arcade game
    first coin operated machine was invented running the original pong game, later inspiring the Atari game system.
  • first game console

    first game console
    The Oddesy 300 was released by Magnovox becoming the first successful game console to hit main stream media at the fime.
  • NES Nintendo Entertainment System

    NES Nintendo Entertainment System
    first home game system first real relished in Japan
  • Game Boy

    Game Boy
    The famous game console was released paving the way for future portable games.
  • PlayStation 1

    PlayStation 1
    The company Sony made this console gaming with the start of the next gen consoles, The PlayStation was now available in the U.S and it was a big hit
  • playstation 2

    playstation 2
    extremely successful PlayStation 1, the squeal to the gaming system became legendary it was the best at its time, making its only competition with Xbox.
  • xbox

    the Xbox. This is one of the consoles that set another next gen movement as it would set the bench mark for future gamin alike. This would make Sony and Microsoft dominate the gaming industry.
  • the wii

    the wii
    Nintendo made it come back in console gaming by releasing the Nintendo Wii, it was very successful because of its new concept in gaming and even competed with Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation 3
  • playstation 4 and xbox 1

    playstation 4 and xbox 1
    these are the current gen and it blow away all the other console but nintendo is still considered up there with them, but the sales went up a lot with these consoles