Video Game History

  • Early days

    Early days
    Video games began in the 1950's.Game like pong were popular for the early days of video games. Pong does not have very good graphics, and anything special, but it was fun to the people who played it then.I actually have played pong once beforehand I can say there was something about it the really made me enjoy it.
  • Virtual reality

    Virtual reality
    Now virtual reality is created so we are able to feel like we are in the game.There were many games that came out with the vr. But it originally was a thing in 1968,but was really used in 2016 when it came out with the PS4.
  • Arcades

    Arcades began to become popular in the1970's.Many people would go to the arcade every weekend to hang out with their friends, and of course to play video games.Pac man was a very popular game and also other games that are well known today.
  • EA sports was created

    EA sports was created
    EA sports is very important because they create many games that are very well known.They create 2k, Madden, NHL, and Fifa.They create games many people love to play and without those games wouldn't play at all.
  • Violence to games

    Violence to games
    Mortal combat was the first game to actually add in violence and blood.To show violence they would take their head off and the other person would start bleed.Many parents did not appreciate that video games were adding violence, and they were heavily against it.
  • Play Station was invented

    Play Station was invented
    Now the playstation was invented.This was now the best item to get, everyone wanted it, because it was the first console besides a Nintendo.The playstation is the most sold console overland in my opinion the best.
  • Xbox is invented

    Xbox is invented
    The Xbox is now invented which is similar to the playstation.The Xbox and Playstation are created by different companies though.Xbox was created by Microsoft and Playstation was created by Sony.The Xbox will become a big competitor for the playstation.
  • Consol war

    Consol war
    The console war is the debate between which s better the Playstation or the Xbox.The battle still goes on until this day, and will keep going on for a long time.Many people will defend what they think is better playstation or xbox.Personally I think that the PS4 is better.:)
  • Wii was invented

    Wii was invented
    A few years later a new console was invented(the wii).The wii had different types of controllers though, and had games where the character in the game was shadowing you.The graphics in my opinion and the controller is a little weird.But overall the wii isn't in the console war just because it isn't as good as the Xbox and the PS4.
  • Better graphics

    Better graphics
    Although there isn't a certain time they got better, cause they still are graphics really involved.On the first gaming console there was around 30 frames where present day you are running 60 frames.With the new consoles coming out within a month too on a console people will be able to run 120 frames which is crazy.