video game history

  • the first video game

    the first video game
    video games were first invented in 1958 by a man named William Higinbotham
  • the Magnavox odyssey

    the Magnavox odyssey
    the first video game console known as the megaox odyssey was released in 1967
  • arcades

    in 1971 video game arcades began to pop up everywhere
  • The Atari

    The Atari
    in 1977 the first Atari console released
  • Super Mario bros

    Super Mario bros
    in 1983 the game
    super Mario brothers came out
  • hand held gaming

    hand held gaming
    in 1989 the Nintendo gameboy was released
  • 3d gaming

    3d gaming
    in 1992 Wolfenstein 3d released becoming the first 3d game
  • DOOM

    in 1993 Doom was released kicking off the first person shooter craze
  • The Sony playstation

    The Sony playstation
    in 1994 Sony released the playstation
  • The xbox

    The xbox
    in 2001 the xbox was released
  • Halo

    in 2001 halo was released becoming one of the most popular fps game franchises ever
  • Call of duty

    Call of duty
    in 2003 call of duty came out becoming one of the most popular fps franchises ever
  • xbox 360

    xbox 360
    In 2005 the xbox 360 came out
  • ps3

    in 2006 Sony released the ps3
  • Minecraft

    in 2009 Minecraft released becoming the most popular video game of all time
  • ps4 and xbox1

    ps4 and xbox1
    in 2013 the playstation 4 and xbox1 was released
  • ps5 and xbox series x

    ps5 and xbox series x
    in 2020 the playstation 5 and xbox series x were released