
Video Game History

  • Rebirth of Arcades

    Rebirth of Arcades
    In the 70s Arcades were completely changed around the world by replacing old pinball machines with videogame arcade machines. This new era started the golden age of arcades which lasted up until the 90s. This was the era of famous video games like Pac-Man, Space invaders, Asteroids, Donkey Kong and many more.
  • Release of the Gameboy

    Release of the Gameboy
    The game boy was very popular because of its portability and durability for road trips and other kinds of long journeys. Another reason the Gameboy was loved by so many gamers was because of its 30-hour battery life that allowed gamers all day without any hassle of needing to charge their console.
  • First PlayStation release

    First PlayStation release
    In late 1994 the first PlayStation came out which was revolutionary because it was one of the first consoles to use CDs and make it mainstream because of the quality of the 3D art in the games. Other consoles like Nintendo were lacking behind still using cartridges.
  • The beginning of modern consoles

    The beginning of modern consoles
    The PlayStation 2 was released as the first console to use DVDs which was revolutionary. A year later in 2001, the Xbox was released to try to catch up and compete with the PlayStation 2. At this time the game cube also came out which was one of the biggest successes for nintendo.
  • Free Roam games

    Free Roam games
    With the release of the Xbox 360 and the PS3 it finally gave game developers the freedom to make bigger games with way better 3D graphics that were never seen before. This was a major turning point that is the blueprint of how videogames are even today.
  • Release of the Wii

    Release of the Wii
    The Wii was one of the most different consoles to come out in the mid-2000s. It was in its own lane because it used motion capture through the remote which allowed you to move as if you were in the game. Later on the competitors came out with add ons to compete with this but it was nowhere near as good as the Wii.
  • The release of the PSP

    The release of the PSP
    The release of the PSP was very big because it finally allowed players to have console-quality games in a portable console that could fit in a pocket. It was very easy to travel with which made it a very big success because normal consoles would weigh 5 pounds without games and controllers.
  • PS5 release

    PS5 release
    On November 12, 2020, the 5th generation of the PlayStation was released and it sold out almost immediately. Because of this low supply but high demand the new consoles were being resold for 2 times the retail price. The new console came with many upgrades like processing speeds and graphics, they even upgraded the way the new controllers give the player haptic feedback.