
Video Game History

  • First Computer

    First Computer
    PDP-1 was one of the very fist computers taking up an entire room. Only colleges and universities could hold them and were used for small games. Like Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Space War!

    Space War!
    One of the first video games created to play on the PDP-1. It was one of the first space combat video games. It was also the first video game to be played on multiple computer installations.
  • Magnavox Oddysey

    Magnavox Oddysey
    First home console. It was only able to play 28 games. It was really bad but gave inspiration and influenced the next console.
  • Pong

    One of the first widely successfully selling video games. It caused controversy because of copyright infringement claims from Magnavox. Atari was sued for $100 million.
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    This game console was revolutionary. It was the first to use joysticks and interchangeable game cartridges.
  • Pac-Man

    Pac-Man was one of the first games to have a revolutionary icon. Just think of it even your grandparents probably know pac-man.
  • Atari Lynx

    Atari Lynx
    It was the first handheld console to come to the market. It had color with an LCD display. It also had advanced graphics for the time.
  • Sega Dreamcast

    Sega Dreamcast
    It was one of the first consoles to try online game play. It didn't sell because of bad marketing. They removed it from markets in 2001 due to failure.
  • Playstation 2

    Playstation 2
    This was a huge influence and turning point. Introducing stable internet online play and revolutionary controllers along with the xbox they were huge for the gaming industry.